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Do You have Breakfast everyday ??


Breakfast the name itself suggests that we are breaking the overnight's fast with this morning meal and in fact it is the most important meal of the day. Morning is the time when our metabolism is the maximum and any food we take gets completely metabolized.

A balanced and nutrition filled breakfast is very important for each one of us and help us in keeping fit and have a disease free lifestyle.

Breakfast gives us the important nutritional requirements for the body making us feel energized and refreshed for the rest of the day. It is also believed that having breakfast also promotes weight loss.

Studies have shown having a consistent and healthy breakfast everyday decreases the risk of having lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity. Research has shown that people who do not have a morning meal have vitamin and mineral deficiencies compared to those who have breakfast regularly.

Studies are persistently being conducted over the metabolic diseases and most of them suggest that people who skip breakfast are at 21% higher risk for cardiovascular disease and 55% higher chances of developing type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

It has also been noted that Children who skip having breakfast have negative affect on the cognitive abilities and decreased academic performances as compared to those children who have a regular breakfast in the morning

So the next time you walk out of your house without having breakfast, keep these pointers in mind and have a healthy morning meal

have a good day !!

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