Headaches are one of the most frequently occured health care issues, that troubles almost 9/10 individuals, this condition does not require hospital admission but definitely hampers one's productivity and time. There are different types of headaches that oneusually encounters, such as Migraine, cluster headaches, post traumatic headaches and hypoglycemic headaches.
Hypoglycemic Headaches also known as hunger Headaches and as the name suggests , mostly occur due to hypoglycemia or low sugars because of the lowered sugar levels in the body. Body regularly needs sugars time to time, these sugars are nothing but the carbohydrates we intake from our food. These complex carbohydrates as they enter the body are broken down into simplified sugars to reach the brain.
Carbohydrates are the most essential nutrients for the normal functioning of brain and its activities and when the right amount of carbohydrates are not available, brain sends signals to the body in the form of headaches. Let's say Headaches are a form of brain crying for food and most often these hunger headaches are misinterpreted as Migraine.
So Hunger headaches are definitely because the brain is hungry and lacking food and not the stomach, and these headaches over a period of time become habituated when one frequently keeps missing to have their meals on time.
Hunger headaches mostly occur when one person is having a fast or avoiding carbohydrates such as different types of diets wherein one decreases the intake of carbohydrates below the required dietary allowance.
RDA of carbohydrates of an adult is 100-130gm/day and a fully balanced diet covers this amount in our meals everyday. Here are a few tips to avoid these headaches :
Hydrate one self regularly and keep drinking water if possible when on fasting
Fully balanced diet compromises of equal amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and othe essential nutrients
Avoid caffeine especially when on empty stomach for a long time
Eating smaller meals more frequently